Muscle aches and pains
It is a common disease characterized by severe muscle pain and muscle aches.
Fibromyalgia in females :
It is most common in women, approximately 1 in every 15 have this problem. But still, not enough doctors in Pakistan can diagnose it in time. Secondly, NSAID pain medications such as Diclofenac, aceclofenic naproxen do not provide any significant pain relief benefits.

The symptoms of fibromyalgia are similar to those of hypothyroidism and arthritis. All laboratory tests always come back normal example, viz
This muscle-affecting disease can cause fatigue, memory, sleep, and mood problems. This disease can be caused due to stress, trauma, or an operation. But no specific reason has been found, except that this disease is 15 times more common in women than in men.
Fibromyalgia is nothing but a chronic syndrome that causes physical pain and mental distress.
Causes of Fibromyalgia:

Fibromyalgia shares many symptoms with "autoimmune disease" but is not classified under this category because the exact cause of the disease is still unknown.
But there are some factors that are believed to be involved.
1: Changes in the concentration of brain chemicals
2: Physical or mental trauma
3: Insomnia
4: Genetics means heredity
5: Past viral infections etc
6: Deficiencies in vitamins can also increase the likelihood of this happening.
Some factors can increase it like
1. Severe muscle aches and pains in the body
2. Being tired
3. Stiffness in joints and muscles in the morning.
4. Stiffness and pain in jaw and facial muscles.
5. EBS means upset stomach
6. Insomnia
7. Numbness in hands and feet
8. Dysmenorrhea
9. Depression and anxiety
10. Urinary problems
11. Weakness
12. Lack of memory.
13. Vision problems
14. Instability
15. Difficulty breathing
16. Weight gain
17. Depression anxiety etc
Diagnosis of fibromyalgia
Consult a doctor for diagnosis. Because the same symptoms occur in many other diseases, some lab tests are done before the diagnosis, that the patient does not have any other disease, there is no other specific laboratory test that can diagnose fibromyalgia, because All laboratory tests are normal, it is diagnosed by symptoms, duration of more than 3 months and pain in 11 out of 18 tender points, some "tender points" may be considered. ” in which Fibromyalgia causes severe pain. These tender points are mainly in the knees, elbows, calf muscles, back of the head, hips, chest, back of the neck, and shoulders. And secondly, it can be estimated based on the severity of the patient's pain.
Treatment of fibromyalgia
It is a chronic disease and its treatment takes a long time, consult a doctor for treatment. Because every fibromyalgia patient has different symptoms and each patient needs individual attention and different medications, taking into account the changing symptoms. However, treatment depends on the cause and its severity, other than antidepressants and muscle relaxants.
Scientists donotknow reason?????
It's so dangerous