To start, let’s talk about Search engine marketing, specifically about some analytic approaches & tools used In Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & paid searches.
Search Engine Marketing and paid media is a type of online marketing that aims to establish a firm’s visibility on search engines and bring prospective customers to the firm’s website.
Paid Search is a form of search engine marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages through paid advertising.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and paid media is the process of improving a firm’s visibility on search engines by optimizing content and design elements of the website, inbound links, and various technical aspects of site performance.
SEO and paid media is one of the primary online customer acquisition tools in today’s marketplace. Marketers use search engines to reach prospective customers mainly either through paid search advertising or organic search results.
In paid search firms attract prospects by placing ads to match these with the search terms used by customers in search engine optimization. They improve from specificity on search engines by optimizing content and design elements of the website, and inbound links in various technical aspects of the site.

Now look at some examples of SEO paid media concepts :
As regular users of search engines, we are constantly exposed to both forms of search engine marketing.
Assume you are contemplating the idea of doing a master’s degree in Analytics. So you may start your search on Google by typing in something like a master's in analytics. Second, after you click the search button, Google will turn the page.
At the top, you will find so-called sponsored search results which are essentially advertisements placed by different universities who want to attract applicants to their program. Google pulled up the schools in your proximity while you didn’t provide your location. This could be the result of advertisers targeting local applicants or inferences Google made about your personal preferences for the location.

The sponsored search listings are marked with ad labels below you see a section of so-called organic results which are what the search engine thinks is the best match to my search intent. Providing high-quality quality relevant results is of the highest priority to search Engine as this is the key value to create for their users. In contrast to sponsored search, this type of targeting and results is fully on the search engine control.
Now if you turn to the firm’s site, to reach out to prospects through paid search. Marketers focused on keyword selection, bid optimization, landing page design & ad creative. Organic search hinges on building inbound links & optimizing the website's performance in content.
Ultimately these efforts are aimed at gaining search visibility. So the firm’s listings are getting noticed and clicked.